Web Hosting Services

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If your website requirement consists of serving text pages interpersed with some images or running a major ecom website with daily hits of over a million, you will need to grapple with some of these hosting issues:

1. Types of Hosting
2. Server Types
3. Website maintainance
4. Web related services

1.Types of Hosting:  Broadly speaking, there are 2 types:
Shared servers and dedicated servers.

As is apparent,for a dedicated server, you get to install the server OS/software etc as per your overall scheme. On the other hand, it involves hiring a professional System administrator to oversee all the installation and maintainance. He will be responsible for upgradation of installed modules and software patches, apart from being the center of your company's security policy. If you anticipate exceptionally large volume of traffic to your site or desire an ecom website totally secure and under your control, you will have to chose this option. Likely to be the most expensive hosting option. Shared hosting implies that you share your server space with others. If your site serves lots of dynamically generated pages using server-side scripts or use plenty of database content, you will need to accomodate them within your allotted slice of CPU/memory/bandwidth resource limits. Or your host can throw you out without a warning. Your codes need to be optimized and throughly tested before they are uploaded for the same reason. On the positive side, your outlay can be minimal compared with the dedicated hosting option.

2. Server Types: Over 68 % of the world's servers run on the opensource Apache web servers. Apache servers have tremendous resilience and can be built with all possible features with their modules. Mostly Apache servers run in Unix, Linux or other *nix variants which imparts unmatched reliability and long uptime, often measured in months or even in years. With PHP as the development language, this server combination can offer maximum performance with the least cost. Opensource Mysql is the first choice in this platform. Microsoft 's NT/2000 OS and IIS server software is preferred by some companies because of "accountable" support.With the popularity of ASP, this can be another good combination. MS SQL servers which form the backend, can often be the reason for rebooting the system within a short period. Security will always be an issue with Microsoft's products, unless you keep up with the patches/updates and hotfixes.

3. Website maintainance: Basically, your development team needs to upload the contents to the server. FTP access is mostly supported in most of the hosting packages. This can be the source of a security compromise at a future date. Normally your FTP authentication is by plain text which can be sniffed by appropriate tools deployed by hackers. Some hosting companies use SSH /SRP to replace the normal ftp/telnet access whilst others use SSL in a webbased control panel to upload/maintain your site. Whatever the method you use, discuss the security issues with your System admin and technical support before deploying a sensitive site. Ecom transactions and Credit card processing is normally left to the third party secured Servers like Verisign, who will collect and process the credit card information on your behalf. They will relay the message that your account has been credited with $ X from Mr/Ms. User. You will have to wade through your server log to determine your visitor's charecteristics. If rightly deciphered, this can be the source of a treasure chest. You will know how successful your website is and how far your objectives have been achieved.

4. Web related services: Site optimization and Searchengine Optimization: An optimized webpage loads fast, delivers the message effectively and creates repeat visit. They say " Content is king! ". Even if you have the right content, you still need your visitors to find your site from a maze of millions of others. There are about 3 billion pages indexed by the Google search engine. One study states that about 83 % of Internet visitors regularly use a Search engine to navigate the vast stateless world of Internet. Unless you come up in the first few pages of the search, you will be lost. You can master the "meta tags" read by some of the searchengines to position your website based on the appropriate keyword density. Still it is a full time job to keep abreast of the changes effected into the search algorithms of the search engines.

If you require quantifiable results fast, you will have to outsource SE optimization. The bottom line in this hosting discussion is how much will all this cost? You may not have US $ 25,000,000, Amazon reportedly spent on their site. It all depends on the individual situation.

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